Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hello Everyone,

I trust you are well. I have been helping my room mate prepare a meal for that celebration you call Thanksgiving. It is such a delightful holiday and I cannot wait to participate in all the festivities associated with this marvelous time of year.
On a business note, we will be extending our deadline for the play submissions, so if you thought you would not have time to send it in, now you do. So please send in your plays.
In other news, Midwinter Fling is fast approaching as the season progresses and I have just received news about the play which will be performed at STEAM Fest in April. The play is a steampunk mystery based upon the Sherlock Holmes stories of Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle (favorites of mine) and a scene from this will be performed at the Midwinter Fling. You would hate to miss that, so you had best be there.
I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving Day.


Caroline Francesca DeFontaine
Eleventh day of November, 2010