Thursday, May 7, 2009


Sorry for the lack of posts I have been scurrying around Time Traveling!!  I spent last weekend with all of the wonderful people of AnachroCon!

In other news, tickets are on sale and if you buy yours before Memorial Day, you get a FREE STEAM Fest 2009 t-shirt!!  So please buy your tickets today.  Seating is limited!

In other, other news we have started rehearsals for HMS Tempest: A Steampunk Romance, as well as had our first costume design meeting!  Things are moving along!  We also have a pretty solid list of entertainment for our little festival:

Thimblerig Circus
Mr. Friskett's Players

Workshops Included So Far:
Simple Bustle Making [with Sasha Katz]
British High Tea
Steampunk in Literature

Other Events:
Fashion Show/Costume Contest [we still need entrants!]
Bad Steampunk Poetry Contest
Franklin Street Parade! [show off your finery to the citizens of Avondale!]
Writers Discussion Group
Artist and Vendor's Market!

More information to come, this is just the beginning!!  For tickets call 404-474-8332 today!