Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hello Everyone,

I trust you are well. I have been helping my room mate prepare a meal for that celebration you call Thanksgiving. It is such a delightful holiday and I cannot wait to participate in all the festivities associated with this marvelous time of year.
On a business note, we will be extending our deadline for the play submissions, so if you thought you would not have time to send it in, now you do. So please send in your plays.
In other news, Midwinter Fling is fast approaching as the season progresses and I have just received news about the play which will be performed at STEAM Fest in April. The play is a steampunk mystery based upon the Sherlock Holmes stories of Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle (favorites of mine) and a scene from this will be performed at the Midwinter Fling. You would hate to miss that, so you had best be there.
I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving Day.


Caroline Francesca DeFontaine
Eleventh day of November, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Greetings Friends,

I hope this message finds you well. I would just like to thank you all for sending in your plays for the contest. I'm sure they are all going to be marvelous! Also, there will be more information about the schedules of performances, workshops and other activities in STEAM Fest very soon. We are still ironing out details and we will let you know the final schedule soon.
My communicator has run out of power and so, I have finally decided to invest in one of those cellular phones. I thought I would have been woefully insufficient in the area of funds, but I find that gold coins go further than I thought. The cellular phone is not as difficult to operate as I first thought, but I find that when I have it in my pocket I often ring people when I do not intend to! Most frustrating.
Oh, I have something else of a personal matter to report: I have found a tiny dog in the woods behind my room mate's house. I have named her Electra and she is sleeping beside me now. Perhaps I ought to take her for a walk.
I wish you all well, and hope to see you soon at the Midwinter Fling.

Caroline Francesca DeFontaine

10 November, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

4th day of November, 2010

Greetings Friends,

I hope you all are well. This week has been quite a busy one. We are hard at work on the upcoming Midwinter Fling (9th of January is fast approaching!) as well as eagerly accepting submissions to the playwriting contest for STEAM Fest. If you would like to enter, you can see the previous entry here which includes all the details.

My brother and I have been corresponding via our communicators, but sadly the voltaic battery in mine is almost dead. For all your outstanding advancements in this time, you have no way for me to charge it and your alkaline batteries do not fit the device. It was recommended that I get a telephone to replace the communicator and, though I would not be able to speak with my brother, I suppose I should try to operate one of these cellular phones. It is quite different from the telephones of my time, but the principles are fascinating and I'm sure I will be able to pick it up in no time. I also have recently discovered my inability to drive automobiles. I am skilled enough at maneuvering my airship, but attempting to drive on "highways" is beyond me. I fear I gave my room mate quite a scare, but all is well, and from now on she shall be the driver.

I must bid you farewell for the night, for I am busy at the moment dismantling a cellular phone in order to better understand its components. I much hurry and piece it together again before my room mate returns.

Good Evening,
Caroline Francesca DeFontaine